Originally written to for my email community Feb 2024
Here's the thing, albeit I'm not perfect [that's a lifelong cyclone of turmoil] nor have I fully perfected my systems, I am a systems + processes gal. If you ever speak with my Mom [shoutout MP!] she'll tell you, ohhh Victoria's favorite place to go growing up was Staples for all the post its, colored pens, and stationary.
With a glorious proclivity toward systems, color coding, organization, and diagramming from the jump...why has it taken me 30 years to put the dots together?? Uncertain...yet HERE WE ARE!
Many of you know that moving unexpectedly to Denver [TLDR: mid pandemic, with boyfriend, depressed in living van life] has been the catapult for much of my o0o0 she's sooo meta journey. I know more about me, my boundaries, my desires, my quirks [hello recent adhd diagnosis], the places I play it safe or small; than ever before.
In this period, I have spent significant time re working, re wiring, re framing, and re storing what [actually never] worked for me into what works with me. Finding areas that I resist [thus, they persist] and instead of forcing them to work as I'd been wont to do, now I: pause, re view, pivot, and try a different way.
This is what became my Witches Brew, if you will 🧙🏽♀️
My resilience toolkit.
The runneth over mental storehouse of tools that I can tap in to, at any time and are made just for me, to support me in getting out of:
• imminent burnout
• mental overwhelm
• constant self questioning [aka sabotaging]
• rabbit holes
• seemingly endless [nervous system] dysregulation
• sus communication skill
• look, if you know you know
Below, are just a few of the tools I have handy for when I start to feel the creep of anything aforementioned.
As always, there are certainly more where these came from :)

Want to elevate your leadership game?
Find out what's in your toolkit and become the resilient leader that you've allowed to gather dust 👀
Your [right now] self will thank you.
• Build a neurodivergent-friendly toolkit to dodge burnout
• Understand your unique leadership style + values
• Build resilience + adaptability
• Lead with authenticity + culturally aware communication
• Rewrite those default beliefs, stories, and knee-jerk responses
• Reclaim your seat at the table – it's been waiting for you!
Think: 4 months with like minded leaders wanting to level up, meeting biweekly on Wednesdays, chock full of laser coaching/homework/exercises/discerning innate tools/lite book club/ plus more.
Sliding scale available and yes, work can cover this or if you're an entrepreneur → hello education tax write off
Hey, I’m Viki and I a woman of many facets. The quick version is, I curate community through connection, collaboration, and creativity. I bring people together to create and connect as a community consultant, I bring people together to contribute to, and belong within a cohesive team with workshop design&facilitation, I empower women to course correct the north star of their compass, dust off their innate toolkit, and reposition their crown as a transformation coach, and I also offer somatic release through holotropic style breathwork.
To find out more, start here.